📄️ Dimming the Background
Control the bottom sheet's dimming behavior.
📄️ Enable edge-to-edge
Turning on edge-to-edge support for Android.
📄️ Adding Footer
Add a floating footer component to the bottom sheet.
📄️ Global Methods
Bottom sheet's global methods that you can invoke from anywhere.
📄️ Testing with Jest
Mocking the bottom sheet component using Jest.
📄️ Presenting During Mount
Present the bottom sheet on mount.
📄️ Integrating Reanimated
Integrate Reanimated while dragging your sheet.
📄️ Resizing Programmatically
Programmatically resize the bottom sheet and listen for size changes.
📄️ Scrolling Content
Handle scrolling content within the bottom sheet.
📄️ Stacking Sheets
Guide on how to present bottom sheet on top of an existing sheet.