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Integrating Reanimated

Yes! TrueSheet does support react-native-reanimated. One use case would be a floating action button (FAB) to the sheet's movement, adjusting its position, opacity, or scale as the Sheet is being dragged.



In this example, we will use the onDragChange event to listen to size changes while dragging.

You can checkout example for the complete implementation.

1. Define a handler hook

import { useEvent, useHandler } from 'react-native-reanimated'

type PageScrollHandler = (sizeInfo: SizeInfo, context: unknown) => void

export const useDragChangeHandler = (
handler: PageScrollHandler,
dependencies: DependencyList = []
) => {
const handlers = {
onDragChange: handler,

const { context, doDependenciesDiffer } = useHandler(
onDragChange: handler,

return useEvent<DragChangeEvent>(
(event) => {
const { onDragChange } = handlers
if (onDragChange && event.eventName.endsWith('onDragChange')) {
onDragChange(event, context)

2. Attach the event handler

import Animated, { useSharedValue, useAnimatedStyle } from 'react-native-reanimated'

const AnimatedButton = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(TouchableOpacity)
const AnimatedTrueSheet = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(TrueSheet)

const App = () => {
const buttonY = useSharedValue(0)

const dragChangeHandler = useDragChangeHandler((sizeInfo: SizeInfo) => {
buttonY.value = -sizeInfo.value

const $animatedStyle: ViewStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
transform: [{ translateY: buttonY.value }],

return (
<AnimatedButton style={$animatedStyle} />
sizes={['auto', '69%', 'large']}
<View />