Stacking Sheets
Sometimes you want to stack the sheets one after another. On iOS, this can cause issues. There are two ways to resolve this.

1. Dismiss the "parent" sheet first
const presentSheet2 = async () => {
await sheet1.current?.dismiss() // Wait for sheet 1 to dismiss ✅
await sheet2.current?.present() // Sheet 2 will now present 🎉
return (
<TrueSheet ref={sheet1}>
<Button onPress={presentSheet2} title="Present Sheet 2" />
<View />
<TrueSheet ref={sheet2}>
<View />
2. Define the 2nd sheet within the "parent" sheet.
IOS handles this automatically by default 😎.
const presentSheet2 = async () => {
await sheet2.current?.present() // Sheet 2 will now present 🎉
return (
<TrueSheet ref={sheet1}>
<Button onPress={presentSheet2} title="Present Sheet 2" />
<TrueSheet ref={sheet2}>
<View />
You can do the same with Android for a more consistent user experience.