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Resizing Programmatically

TrueSheet has a main prop called sizes which allows you to define the sizes that the sheet can support. This is an array of SheetSize that supports sizes like "auto", "medium", "large", etc.

In some cases, you may want to resize the sheet programmatically for a better experience.



Resize Programmatically

Define the sheet and use the resize method.

const App = () => {
const sheet = useRef<TrueSheet>(null)

const resize = async () => {
// Resize to 69%
await sheet.current?.resize(1)
console.log('Yay, we are now at 69% 💦')

return (
<TrueSheet name="resizing-sheet" ref={sheet} sizes={['auto', '69%', 'large']}>
<Button onPress={resize} title="Resize" />

You can also do it globally using the related global method.

TrueSheet.resize('resizing-sheet', 1)

sizes can only support up to 3 sizes. collapsed, half-expanded, and expanded.

Listening to Size Change

For some reason, if you want to get the resolved size, you can listen to size changes by providing the onSizeChange event.

The event comes with the SizeInfo that you can use to get the size value.

const App = () => {
const sheet = useRef<TrueSheet>(null)

const resize = async () => {
// Resize to 69%
await sheet.current?.resize(1)

const handleSizeChange = (e: SizeChangeEvent) => {
console.log(e.nativeEvent.index, e.nativeEvent.value) // Do whatever you need from this size ✅

return (
sizes={['auto', '69%', 'large']}
<Button onPress={resize} title="Resize" />

The event will also trigger when the user drags the sheet into a size.