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Component Methods

TrueSheet has a couple of core methods that you'll be using most of the time. These methods are asynchronous so you can use async and await on them.

Define the sheet and provide a ref. We will be using the sheet to access these methods.

const sheet = useRef<TrueSheet>(null)

return (
<TrueSheet ref={sheet} sizes={['auto', '80%']}>
<View />


Present the sheet. Optionally accepts a size index. See sizes prop.

index: number = 0No
await sheet.current?.present()


Dismisses the sheet.

await sheet.current?.dismiss()


Resizes the sheet programmatically by index. This is an alias of the present(index) method.

index: numberYes
// Resize to 80%
await sheet.current?.resize(1)

Global Methods

You can also call the above methods statically without having access to a sheet's ref. This is particularly useful when you want to present a sheet from anywhere.

The API is similar to the component methods except for the required name prop. See this guide for example.

In the example below, we provide "my-sheet" as the name of our sheet.

const sheet = useRef<TrueSheet>(null)

return (
<TrueSheet name="my-sheet" sizes={['auto', '80%']}>
<View />

You can then use these methods globally.

await TrueSheet.present('my-sheet')
await TrueSheet.dismiss('my-sheet')
// Resize to 80%
await TrueSheet.resize('my-sheet', 1)